birth name lincoln quinn harris comicverse Lance Hunter (Mix of 616 & AoS) date of birth November 1, 1982 hometown Dymchurch, Kent, England current residence Boston, Massachusetts, USA relationship status Single occupation lawyer (corporate, international) lines

Lincoln Connor Harris was born in Dymchurch, Kent, England to Anna and Edward Harris. Both of his parents were lawyers, and because of this Lincoln also took interest in law, despite the fact that he always got a bit in trouble with the law as a kid. Despite his missteps along the way, Anna and Edward loved their son with everything they had, and supported him in pretty much anything that he wanted to do. They were good to him, bringing him to America to see his mother's sister and her husband, and soon it was tradition that the Harrises would travel to America, specifically California, every year to spend the summer with family.

The more that Lincoln spent in America, the more he was fascinated by it. As much as he loved England and the culture there, there was something about America that made him want to learn more. He was already on track to become a lawyer in England, and was set to enter a good university there, but instead Lincoln opted to study abroad in California. As much as his parents protested, they supported Lincoln's decision to head to America to study.

Lincoln was accepted into Stanford Law School in California, and that was where he went. He excelled in school, and managed to win the hearts of a few ladies while he was there (he completely blamed his accent on that). By the time he graduated when he was 21, not only had he passed and managed to get a job with a good corporation, he also managed to pass a US citizenship test as well. With a new job, and dual citizenship, Lincoln felt his life was looking up.

And it was, for a while. But corporate law wasn't where he wanted to be, and Lincoln left the firm after a year to become a public defender. It was here that he was able to work closely with his uncle, who was the commissioner for the local police department. One day, he was asked in to help a man who had been in desperate need for a lawyer, and soon Lincoln was making regular visits to the department for clients.

The more that he was in the department though, the more he noticed something was wrong. He had called his parents back home, and they had suggested to look into it, though his mother was horrified at the notion that their family was doing something wrong. Unfortunately, Lincoln had been correct. His uncle was corrupt, the whole department was going down in flames. He had reported the corruption and decided he had enough of California, deciding to leave before everything went down. The glow the state had given him as a kid was gone and he wasn't making enough money as a public defender to live the life he wanted to.

Soon, he was looking for places to go to, jobs to apply to elsewhere. After talking to Isabelle Micheli, a classmate of his from college, she had informed Lincoln that she was heading to Massachusetts. With Isabelle being the one person he was closest to, he figured Massachusetts would be a good change - he had never been there before, and thought he would be up for the adventure. So in 2012, Lincoln finally moved to Massachusetts, specifically settling in the capital of Boston. Why wouldn't he? Falling in love with someone, you do anything to be with them, and with Lincoln not really having ties in California anymore, happily followed Isabelle to her hometown.

After a few months of looking, Lincoln managed to land a job with a large corporation located in Boston as a corporate lawyer. It was easier for Lincoln to get back into the law he had been hired to do right out of school, and while it wasn't completely rewarding on a personal level, it was something that he was enjoying. There was no real corruption minus the normal corporate corruption, and he could deal with that as long as it did not involve family. Soon he became the in-house lawyer for all international matters, and recently has been in the running for Chief Legal Officer (despite his young age).

Now with the money that he is making, Lincoln is able to live reasonably well, and he makes it home to England every year for Christmas to spend it with his parents. He's considering on eventually moving home to England for good, but there is something keeping him here in America - he just can't put his finger on exactly what it is.

Lance Hunter Basic Information Lance Hunter was the director of S.T.R.I.K.E. He assisted S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain America and Captain Britain in defeating the Red Skull and later tried to recruit Captain Britain after rescuing him from the police several times.

Commodore Lance Hunter was at some time Head of Armed Forces Paranormal Response (AFRP), and was, along Alistaire Stuart, working with the S.H.I.E.L.D. British Liaison Comtessa Allegra de Fontaine on the British version of the Superhuman Registration Act. Part of that function was also to explain the Act's ramifications to the British superhuman population. In that optic, the three intelligence agents met Joseph Hauer, Pete Wisdom, Captain Britain and Union Jack to brief them about.

During the Secret Invasion, Joint Intelligence Committee of the United Kingdom (JIC) Chair Mortimer Grimsdale was revealed to be a Skrull agent and was killed. Lance Hunter was then appointed JIC Chair, leaving the head of the AFRP for the charge of the British Intelligence.

Sometime later, he got romantically involved with Bobbi Morse and their relationship seems to be going quite well.

Point of Canon Pulling from a combination of 616 Lance Hunter and MCU Lance Hunter
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